Back to School – How Public Education Started in Arizona

As students and teachers in Arizona prepare to go back to school, they may be thinking of buying school supplies, signing up for classes, or picking out their first-day look. But what it was like to go to school in Arizona 150 years ago? In Arizona, you may not have had a school to go to or would have had to travel long distances to get an education. Due to the efforts of our territorial legislatures, we now have an organized public education system to make sure every student in Arizona gets an education!

Phoenix Union High School in Phoenix
Pre-Territorial Education

In the Western United States and what is current day Arizona, Spanish settlements occupied the area for about 300 years before the land was acquired in the Mexican-American War. Various church missions educated the settlers and local Native American populations during this time. While most were unsuccessful, the St. Joseph Catholic School at the San Xavier del Bac Mission near Tucson was assembled in 1870 and, “…was the only school in the territory, and from many isolated towns and settlements parents sent their children to the academy” (Weeks, 1918, pg. 7). Many settlers began to move to the territory and brought with them an expectation for public education from the eastern states, and building upon what the Catholic Church had already started.

Governor John Goodwin
John Noble Goodwin, 1863-1866

The territory of Arizona was officially recognized on February 24th, 1863, and in his message to the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, Governor John Goodwin stated, “One of the most interesting and important subjects that will engage your attention of the establishment of a system of common schools. Self-government and universal education are inseparable. The one can be exercised only as the other is enjoyed… The first duty of the legislators of a free State is to make, as far as lies in their power, education as free to all its citizens as the air they breathe.” (pg. 10 of PDF). As a result, some of the first actions taken by the Territorial Legislature were to create a university now known as the University of Arizona, a common-school system, a territorial library, and a historical department. However, Arizona’s second territorial governor, Richard Cunningham McCormick, focused on other priorities, such as establishing economic revenue. Consequently, creating a school system was put to the side for the next few years.

Governor Anson Peacely-Killen Safford
Anson Peacely-Killen Safford

Governor Anson Safford took office as the third territorial governor in 1869 and noticed the lack of action by the state for improving education. As a result, in the 1871 legislative session, he encouraged legislators to pass a territorial tax to help build and maintain schools. Safford also created a Territorial Board of Education to oversee education matters. Due to the emphasis put on education by the governor and the legislature, schools grew during the remainder of his term with enough money to maintain established schools for six months of the year. Furthermore, in 1875, an act was passed that required children between 8 and 14 to attend school for at least 16 weeks of the year if they lived within two miles of a schoolhouse. Due to his efforts, by 1879 there were public schools in, “…Yuma, Ehrenberg, Mineral Park, Cerbat, Prescott, Williamson Valley, Verde, Walnut Creek, Walnut Grove, Chino Valley, Kirkland Valley, Peeples Valley, Wickenburg, Phoenix, Florence, Tucson, Tres Alamos (on the San Pedro), Safford and… Catholic schools at Yuma and Tucson” (Weeks, 1918, pg. 33-32). Of the educational growth in this time, an Arizona professor said Governor Safford, “…was greatest of all in his labors for the public school. He had been able to lead an unwilling assembly to adopt an efficient school law, and to modify it only as needed… [and] at the close of his work he could point to a score of teachers employed, and to as many schoolrooms erected by the voluntary contributions of the people… and he will live in the affections of the people of the Territory as the ‘Father of the Arizona Public School’” (pg. 36).

Governor John Charles Frémont
Territorial Governor John C. Fremont

The appointment of John Frémont as the 5th Arizona Territorial Governor in 1879 was quickly followed by the separation of duties of the governor acting as the Territorial School Superintendent into a separate office. The first superintendent was Professor Moses Sherman, an educator with considerable experience in the field at the time. Moreover, the position was given many clerical duties such as, “…the organization of schools, the evolution of a course of study, the perfecting and settling on a series of textbooks to be used throughout the Territory, the codification and coordination of the school laws, the revising and defining the duties of county school offices, the organization of county institutes, and readjustment of county and Territorial school taxes, the proper apportionment of school funds, and recognition and ranting of diplomas, the certification of teachers…” (Weeks, 1918, pg. 132). While term length and teacher salary decreased under the supervision of Superintendent Sherman, there were improvements in attendance, the number of schoolhouses, and the adoption of a uniform curriculum but most importantly, the foundation for an organized school system.


Over the next thirty years, the importance and growth of education rose and fell due to a continuous rotation of School Superintendents and the inability to enforce attendance, especially in rural areas. However, in 1910, the Territory of Arizona developed a proposed constitution for the State of Arizona to apply for statehood. The same year, the Territorial Teacher’s Association appointed a committee to, “…rewrite the entire school law in order to incorporate the new recommendations and to correct existing ambiguities and irregularities” (Weeks, 1918, pg. 86). In December 1910, over 200 teachers met from various counties to learn from professors, adopt a uniform curriculum, and make accommodations to meet the needs of deaf and blind students (Public Instruction, 1911). Together with their efforts and the acceptance of the State of Arizona into the Union, Arizona was able to form the Arizona Department of Public Instruction in 1913 and build the organized public school system we have today.


Weeks, Stephen Beauregard, History of Public School Education In Arizona. Arizona Memory Project.

Arizona Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1911, Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Arizona Memory Project.

Glendale Elementary School in Glendale, 1920
Mesa Union High School, ~1917
6th-grade students at Peoria Elementary School in Peoria, 1920
Prescott High School in Prescott, 1920
Safford Elementary School in Tucson, ~ 1920
University Hall at the University of Arizona in Tucson, 1910
Williams Elementary School, ~1915
Yuma Union High School in Yuma, 1920

Frances Willard Munds: Pioneer for Arizona Women

Work is underway to erect a statue of Frances Willard Munds in Wesley Bolin Plaza. Why?

Frances “Fannie” Lillian Willard Munds

Frances “Fannie” Lillian Willard Munds was a leader in the movement to gain Arizona women the right to vote and the first woman to serve in the Arizona State Senate. A five-foot dynamo in a big hat, Munds had a sense of purpose, a sense about people, and a sense of humor too.

Munds was born in 1866. Her family moved to the Verde Valley, where they established a ranch. She was an educated woman for the era, graduating in 1885 from Maine Central Institute, a boarding school for grades 9-12. Upon returning to Arizona, she taught school in Payson, Pine, and Jerome. She married John Lee Munds in 1890 and the couple raised their family in Prescott. John Munds was twice elected Yavapai County Sheriff.

Handbill, Votes for Women

Fannie Munds joined the Territory of Arizona Women Suffrage Organization, working to extend the right to vote to women. She served as its President during the key years of 1909 to 1912. They worked for years lobbying the Legislature. The 1903 Territorial Legislature passed a bill granting the vote to women, but it was vetoed by Governor Alexander O. Brodie. State Historian George H. Kelly’s Legislative History, Arizona 1864-1912 relates that the bill had passed as a joke, with the understanding that the Governor would veto it.

In 1910, the Arizona Women Suffrage Organization attended the meetings of Arizona’s Constitutional Convention to lobby for women’s suffrage to be included in the state constitution. The proposal failed to pass (Minutes of the 1910 Constitutional Convention, PDF page 165). Some thought women’s suffrage was a radical idea and that it might cause President William Howard Taft to refuse to ratify statehood for Arizona.

Arizona became a state on February 14, 1912, so the Arizona Women Suffrage Organization lobbied the first session of the new state legislature in 1912 but failed again. They turned to the ballot, collecting signatures for an initiative.

This time it didn’t matter that the voters were all men. The initiative passed decisively in every county. Arizona was the 8th state to grant women the right to vote. It would be eight more years before the U.S. passed the 19th amendment securing women’s right to vote.  

1912 State of Arizona initiative and referendum publicity pamphlet general election
1912 General election returns, State of Arizona
The Coconino Sun, 1912-11-15

A family story provides a glimpse of how Munds interacted with people. On election day, she was with other suffragettes at the polls handing out suffrage cards* when a tall, imposing policeman called out her. “What are you going to be when you get the vote?” Munds walked over to the policeman and drew herself up to her full five-foot height, barely reaching his elbow.  “I’m going to be a policeman!” she announced. Everyone at the polling place, including Munds and the policeman, laughed. The officer commented, “She’s all right, boys, she would make a real dangerous and courageous policeman.”  

Munds was gracious in victory. Her Greetings to Arizona’s New Citizens, the Women, thanking the voters, was published on the front page of The Coconino Sun on November 11, 1912.

In 1914, Munds ran for the Arizona State Senate representing Yavapai County. Elected by a healthy margin, she was the first woman to be elected to the State Senate. Again she was gracious in victory:

We believe that we have proved ourselves worthy of the Ballot. Women have been earnest in their endeavors to support the best candidate and to work by the right means for the right measures.

She served one term from 1915-1917. Munds was greeted by the other senators with approval and encouragement. The first time she presided over a floor session, they applauded. It seems she established a rapport with her colleagues immediately. A minister asked her to introduce a resolution forbidding smoking in the Senate chamber, arguing that it would improve the morals of the senators. She refused. She figured that such a rule would inconvenience them and require them to leave the chamber to smoke in the lobby, which would not improve their morals or their dispositions. The minister disapproved, but her decision was met with another round of applause.

Her colleagues also appreciated her sense of humor. Senator Dunbar joked in a floor speech that Munds was scheduled to dance the tango with Senator George Chase before the session was over. She chaired the Educational & Public Institutions Committee and served on the Land, Public Health & Statistics and Enrolling & Engrossing Committees. She introduced bills to adopt official state colors and a state flower, to raise the legal age for marriage, and to increase the widow’s benefit.  

1949, Journal of the Senate, State of Arizona, Nineteenth Legislature, Regular Session, PDF page 63

Munds continued to be active in suffrage activities attending national meetings, where she was a noted speaker who could get a crowd laughing.

Munds died at home on December 16, 1948 at age 82. The State Senate unanimously passed a resolution honoring her life of service.

The effort to install a statue of Munds in honor of women’s suffrage is led by the Arizona Women’s History Alliance. You can see an image of the statue and catch up with the campaign on their website.  


* Arizona law now prohibits people from engaging in political activity within 75 feet of a polling place. A.R.S. 16-515. In 1912, the statutory distance was 150 feet. §2348, Revised Statutes of the Arizona Territory. But that’s how the family story goes.

Resources (and more hats!)

Arizona Highways, January 2013, A Real Vote-Getter, 2013-01, PDF 6

Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame

Native Arizona Plants

Kofa Mountains, Arizona Highways, April 2012

Arizonans have long valued our native plants.  Protections were first enacted in 1929.  The Arizona Native Plant Act now governs designation of native plants, harvesting and clearing protected plants on private and public land, gathering wood, collecting native seeds, and enforcement to ensure that Arizona’s rich and beautiful habitats are protected.

The Arizona Legislature first passed a measure to protect native plants in 1929, in Laws 1929, Chapter 8 (PDF page 75).

Session laws, State of Arizona, 1928, Eighth Legislature, Fifth and Sixth Special Sessions, 1929, Ninth Legislature, First Regular Session
Arizona Highways, August 1971

The new law listed protected plants and prohibited destruction, mutilation, or removal of any living protected plant without a written permit. The Arizona Commission of Agriculture & Horticulture issued permits to collect plants for scientific or educational purposes. Violators could be fined $50 to $300. The bill passed with an emergency clause, becoming effective upon the signature of Governor John Phillips on February 15, 1929.  J. Morris Richards described the legislation in his History of the Arizona State Legislature (PDF page 62).

Legislators worked on the issue again in Laws 1933, Chapter 99 (PDF page 517). The Legislature set a 30-day time limit on the permits issued by the Arizona Commission of Agriculture & Horticulture and allowed it to collect a fee of $5 for each permit, authorized peace officers to make arrests to enforce the act, and empowered county boards of supervisors to adopt ordinances for the enforcement of preservation of plants. Laws 1935, Chapter 66, (PDF page 342), added provisions regulating collection of yucca leaves for their fiber, which was intended for commercial purposes.

The laws were included in the 1939 Arizona Code at §§49-401 through 49-409 (PDF page 32).

From 1939 Arizona Code

Protection of native Arizona plants was included in the Arizona Revised Statutes when it was compiled in 1956.

From Arizona Revised Statutes, 1956

The protection of native plants continued to be of interest to the Legislature. Laws 1967, Chapter 74 (PDF page 516) reorganized the provisions of the law.

From Laws 1967, Chapter 74

The bill created the tag and permit system Arizona still uses for the authorized transport of protected native plants. The Commission of Agriculture & Horticulture was tasked with adopting regulatory rules. The legislation also established the Commission as a “90-10” agency: 90% of the fund was to be used by the Commission for enforcement, while 10% was credited to the state general fund.

Arizona Highways, August 1971
Changes to protection of native plants in the 1970s

Arizona legislators continued to show their commitment to Arizona’s native plants and their willingness to dive into the details of crafting the law.

Laws 1972, Chapter 187 (PDF page 1425) required the Commission to hold a public hearing on native plants at least once a year, increased enforcement authority, and included imprisonment among the penalties for violations.

Laws 1975, Chapter 139 (PDF page 642) added certain dead plants to the definition of protected native plants:

From Laws 1975, Chapter 139

The legislation also set a fee for removal of trees cut for wood and recognized the enforcement authority of state, federal, or tribal agencies. Laws 1976, chapter 179 (PDF page 934) added management of the wood receipt system to the Commission’s responsibilities.

Laws 1978, Chapter 109 (PDF page 337) changed the penalties to conform the Arizona Native Plant Act to the reorganized criminal code passed during the same session at Laws 1978, Chapter 201 (PDF page 717). A first conviction would result in revocation of all permits, including surrender of unused tags, seals, or wood receipts; and prohibit new permits for 90 days. A second offense was a Class 1 misdemeanor. Each violation was considered a separate offense.

Agave, Arizona Highways, January 1998
Major changes in the 1980s

Laws 1981, Chapter 232 (PDF page 792) revised the process and fees for permits, tags, seals, and wood receipts and authorized enforcement officers to make arrests without a warrant for violations they witness and to confiscate archeological and other specimens or objects that were unlawfully excavated or collected. Violators convicted of a 1st offense were prohibited new permits for a year.

Administrative rules, Senate, 39th Legislature, First Regular Session, 1989

Laws 1989, Chapter 294 (PDF page 1464) rewrote the Arizona native plant act.

Unusual among Arizona legislation, the revised Arizona native plant act starts with a statement of purpose and policy:

A portion of the revised Arizona native plant act

The legislation created four categories of protected native plants:

  • Highly safeguarded, such as those listed as endangered or threatened by state or federal law,
  • Salvage restricted, to protect plants subject to theft or vandalism such as the saguaro cactus,
  • Salvage assessed, which includes those that have a salvage value such as the ironwood tree,
  • And harvest restricted, which includes dead plants, those subject to harvesting, and those subject to over-cutting such as the mesquite tree.

It directed the Commission of Agriculture & Horticulture to adopt regulatory rules and enabled county and local governments to adopt and enforce ordinances to protect native plants. The legislation specified criminal and civil penalties for violations.

The bill also established the Arizona Protected Native Plant Fund, funded by fees, civil penalties, and other monies collected under the program. It was a “90/10” fund: 90% of funds were for the Commission to administer the program, while 10% was turned over the general fund.

Carnegiea gigantea – Saguaro Arizona Highways, March 2020

The same year, in Laws 1989, chapter 162 (PDF page 658), the Legislature created the Arizona Department of Agriculture and assigned it responsibility for native plant protection. The new Department of Agriculture was scheduled to launch on January 1, 1991. You can browse the Department of Agriculture’s Division of Native Plants on their website.

Tinkering in the 1990s
Opuntia Engelmanni – Engelmann’s prickly-pear
Arizona Highways, March 1973

Laws 1990, Chapter 374 (PDF page 481) was an omnibus Department of Agriculture bill but did not make policy changes affecting native protected plants. Laws 1993, Chapter 170 (PDF page 856) clarified provisions regarding destruction of native plants when it occurs in the normal course of mining, commercial farming, stock raising operations, and normal and routine maintenance of improvements. Laws 1996, Chapter 102 (PDF page 555) directed civil penalties paid for violations to the State’s General Fund. Laws 1997, Chapter 228 (PDF pages 38-39) changed the Arizona protected native plant fund from a 90/10 plan and authorized the Director of the Department of Agriculture to administer all deposited monies. Laws 1997, Chapter 233 (PDF page 85) reconciled inconsistent enactments affecting the Arizona protected native plant fund.

Into the 2000s
Pinus aristate – Bristlecone pine Arizona Highways, October 1988

Laws 2000, Chapter 360 (PDF page 335) added a new section, 3-916, allowing homeowners associations and other community-based nonprofits to collect and salvage native plants without obtaining a permit under certain circumstances. The idea was back two years later in Laws 2002, Chapter 38 (PDF page 118) to limit the permit to unincorporated area of the county or city where they are salvaged and make other technical changes.

Laws 2004, Chapter 301 (PDF pages 413-428), was a Department of Agriculture omnibus act. It made technical changes to the provisions governing Arizona native plants and added additional protection for imported protected native plant species. Laws 2005, Chapter 173 (PDF page 610) was another omnibus agricultural act which changed the Director’s rulemaking responsibilities and adopted specific protections for saguaro cacti.

The administrative rules in effect today were adopted in 1987 and have been amended to reflect new legislation. See Arizona Administrative Code rules R3-3-1101 through R3-3-1111 and Appendix A (PDF page 43). You can review the list of Protected Native Plants in Appendix A.

Many of our most familiar plants are protected by the law: the saguaro, blue palo verde, pincushion cacti, Arizona willow, organ pipe cactus, and desert poppy. Many more made the list, as well: check out Grizzly bear prickly-pear, Goodding’s onion, Fish Creek fleabane, Welsh’s milkweed, smoketree, and Thurber’s bog orchid! We’re just glad that someone who remembers the Latin names is keeping track and protecting this living heritage for all of us.

Whitewater Draw, Arizona Highways, May 2022